記事: おもいやる
修繕 :「いらなくなったら捨てる。破れたら捨てる。」と言った現代の当たり前の概念に疑問を持っています。昔はいらなくなったら「家族に継承する。破れたら直す。」ということが普通でした。経済成長し、ビジネスを回す為だという意見はもちろんあると思います。が、少しくらい愛着があることを行うブランドがあってもいいのではないでしょうか。Itomatopéeでは、「たくさん着て、着まわしてほしい」という想いから、着用等により生じた破れ・穴などの修繕を別途承ります。
Repair : “If you no longer need it, throw it away. If it tears, throw it away.” I have doubts about the common concept of today's world. In the past, when we no longer needed something, we would say, “I will pass it on to my family. If it was torn, we would mend it. This was the norm in the past. Of course, there is an opinion that this is for the sake of economic growth and business. Itomatopée offers a service to repair rips, holes, etc. caused by wear and tear, with the hope that customers will wear the garment many times.
Hagire: Whenever a garment is made, there is always some fabric called “hagire” that is no longer needed and can be thrown away. Itomatopée reuses surplus fabric from garment making as much as possible to create new garments and accessories.